Thursday, April 2, 2009

The Conficker Virus Lives On...

There is so much information flooding television and the Internet that I had to send you this:

Take a look at this Squidoo lens to see what other information you can find out to help prevent you from having computer issues with this horrible virus.

Conficker Virus - Low Cost Virus Software

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Conficker Virus? - What Is It And What To Do... NOW!

Today everything aspect of our lives are impacted by computers! Think about the last time your Internet service went down or your pc got fried! Life probably sucked until you got service or had the pc fixed.

In the last few years, computers have literally taken over our lives... everything is all computer-generated and/or driven! Your bank accounts, your work, your social life and your credit as well.

And then comes the hackers! Their primary goal in life is to steal our identities, ruin our credit history and create financial havoc that depletes our bank accounts leaving a pile of wreckage called our life behind! Have you heard of the Conficker Virus?

What is it and what does it do? If you have watched the news any over the last few days you have become familiar with and/or heard the name the question is now what are you going to do to prevent yourself from being a victim. But before talking about what to do, let's talk about what this latest virus is.

This Conficker Virus first reared it's ugly head in British corporations back in 2008 and has quietly been making it's rounds every since. The actual born date has been traced to mid October/November 2008. The British authorities are still trying to determine the exact amount of damage caused by this nasty virus as the toll has been dramatic to say the least!

The Conficker C Virus was developed by some cyber-gang hellbent on ruining as many lives as possible. In fact, Microsoft has issued a $250,000 bounty for information leading to the arrest or capture of the people responsible for creating this thing. Let the truth be told they will probably try and hire the guys or something.

This computer virus has also been called Downadup and has affected millions of computers already and in the coming days and weeks will probably ruin the lives possibly of millions of American families as well!

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At this point, no one really knows what the Conficker C Virus is fully capable of going but if we base things on what happened at the British corporation things could get really ugly...

Here is what the virus has done thus far:

1. The Conficker Virus instantly disables your backup service which basically robs you of all your current and stored data; did I mention that it doesn't matter how long you have had backup service it merely pushes right now and contaminates and clears anything in site.

2. The Conficker Virus will prohibit you from entering security sites and/or sites that are protected.

3. The virus will erase ANY and ALL important financial documentation and information on your pc, period.

4. Conficker Virus will also not give you access to security sites and services.

5. The Conficker creates a gateway into your pc allowing your pc to get infected by other viruses as they are created by these hackers!

Well with all of that aren't you glad that there is help... The best solution is to have a very reputable company provide you with software to not only scan your pc but to also remove any virus from your computer and keep it protected from these nasty virus programs and hackers!

Now Do you want to remove The Conficker C virus, FAST?...

Detect and remove spyware with Anti-Spyware 2009 from CA

Find Out If Your PC is Infected With A Virus! - FREE

Right now the Internet, news & tv is abuzz with all types of stories and reports about the Conficker virus and how hackers from all corners of the world are doing everything they can to steal your identity, credit cards and personal financial information!

Unfortunately this is the world we live in...

There are plenty of resources available however all of them aren't as trust-worthy as you would think! I strongly suggest using a reputable firm that has been around forever, in fact one of the largest vendors that provides this type of service can be found here: Is your PC Infected with Spyware? - Get your Free Scan today!

This is the best resource available for determining if your pc has been infected. It's important that you have your pc checked out as this new virus Conficker has been wreaking havoc all over the Internet so you don't want to leave yourself open to any attacks.

Conficker C - Making It's Rounds

You may not have heard but a new worm is going around called Conficker C. This particular virus is very well put together and as of yet a full fix for it has not been found. This will change very soon but you should take heed.

Conficker uses several different exploits to take over a users system. In the C version this threat is set to go active on April 1st. No one knows for sure what will happen on this date. This malicious software will go out on the 1st at look for it's master's code. Looking at similar threats in the past chances are it will download other malicious programs and fake antivirus software like Win XP antivirus 2009. While no one knows for sure what will happen this is generally what seems to happen. The makers' codes like this do such things in an effort to trick users into making purchases for fake software.

Looks at the source code you see that it changes the DNS services of Vista, XP and 2k. This basically means that you will be blocked from getting any updates to your operating system and around 200 other popular antivirus programs. Yes it's bad stuff but there are things you can do to prevent this kind of infection.

In addition you should make sure that your operating system is up to date and you have all the security updates. You will also need to ensure that your antivirus software has all the needed updates and that you are not using a free antivirus client. Free clients do not provide upfront protection. I have to take that back. There are a few that offer live protection but even the makers of those programs will tell you it's a very light version and will not fully protect you. A great resource site that was just started to address this threat can be found at Conficker C.

It will be interesting to see what if anything happens on April 1st. As a computer repair tech and having repaired tens of thousands of computers over my ten year I already know this bad boy isn't going anywhere and will be around for years to come. Just like Virtumonde, Smitfraud, Vundo and other similar threats they are here to stay and only get harder and harder to remove.

For more information on this check out my dedicated Conficker blog. If you are already infected with a virus then consider using this Computer Repair site for professional help.

Stop The Conficker Virus

The Conficker Virus is the latest threat to your online security... It threatens to steal your credit card information, your personal information and anything else of value that is stored on your personal computer.

In vast, dark regions around the world there are hackers who sit in rooms in front of multiple computer screens hackling like Dr. Jekyl & Mr. Hyde brewing up the latest Internet stopping virus. In many cases these are teenagers cooking up viruses like Conficker or creating threats that quietly steal and track all of your financial information. Commonly referred to as malware, trojan horses and other similar names these viruses and programs are designed to steal from you.

The hackers who are like Internet gangs or cyber-bullies are looking to steal your credit card information and personal information so that they can deplete your checking, savings and credit card accounts. They also want to run up all types of credit card bills and debts using your good credit and ultimately ruining your financial future.

Viruses like Conficker can wreak pure havoc on your financial situation and make life horrible. The potential damage from a virus like Conficker is astounding. Imagine you have 2 checking accounts and 3 credit cards and they have all been violated via this virus. The damages could mount up to hundreds of thousands of dollars in charges and months and in some cases years of dealing with creditors, attorneys and regulators trying to regain your identity and life back!