Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Stop The Conficker Virus

The Conficker Virus is the latest threat to your online security... It threatens to steal your credit card information, your personal information and anything else of value that is stored on your personal computer.

In vast, dark regions around the world there are hackers who sit in rooms in front of multiple computer screens hackling like Dr. Jekyl & Mr. Hyde brewing up the latest Internet stopping virus. In many cases these are teenagers cooking up viruses like Conficker or creating threats that quietly steal and track all of your financial information. Commonly referred to as malware, trojan horses and other similar names these viruses and programs are designed to steal from you.

The hackers who are like Internet gangs or cyber-bullies are looking to steal your credit card information and personal information so that they can deplete your checking, savings and credit card accounts. They also want to run up all types of credit card bills and debts using your good credit and ultimately ruining your financial future.

Viruses like Conficker can wreak pure havoc on your financial situation and make life horrible. The potential damage from a virus like Conficker is astounding. Imagine you have 2 checking accounts and 3 credit cards and they have all been violated via this virus. The damages could mount up to hundreds of thousands of dollars in charges and months and in some cases years of dealing with creditors, attorneys and regulators trying to regain your identity and life back!

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